PLAN WITH ME | March 2019 Bull...
March plan with me is finally here (about time, right!?) ________________________
夏にピッタリ 凍らせたフルーツを使ったメチャウマのフルーツティーの作り方です 無糖炭酸を200g入れて ティーソーダにしてもおいしいですよ タピオカドリンクの次はフルーツティーがくる 作り方 フルーツアイスバー フルーツポプシクル 作ります 1 型に好きなフルーツを入れ フルーツジュースを流し入れ 冷凍庫で冷やし固める フルーツジュースは白濁したものでなく透明がきれいです いちごのヘタは いちごが食べづらいので取り除き 色合いでミントの葉っぱを入れると良いと思います 2 小玉のパイナップル 半分の果肉をピューレ状にし型に流し入れ冷凍庫で冷やし固める アイスティー作ります3 沸騰したお湯 300gにティーバッグ 2個を入れ 2 3分蒸らす 4 砂糖 50g 甘めです を入れ 溶かす 5 氷 200gに4を注ぎ 冷やす 6 グラスに5を注ぎ 1と2を入れ溶かしながらいただく 7 想像以上においしい フルーツティーやっぱいいな Perfect for summer Here is how to make a delicious fruit tea from frozen fruit You can also make a tasty tea soda by adding 200 ml of unsweetened sparkling water Maybe fruit tea will be the next tapioca drink Preparation Let s make the fruit ice pops fruit popsicles 1 Put the fruit of your choice in the mold pour in the fruit juice and chill in the freezer until solid It is better to use a clear fruit juice than a cloudy one We think it is best to remove the strawberry stems since they are harder to eat and add mint leaves instead 2 Puree half of a baby pineapple s flesh pour in a mold and chill in the freezer until solid Let s make the iced tea 3 Put two tea bags in 300 ml of boiling water and steep for 2 3 minutes 4 Add 50 g of sugar for a sweeter drink and dissolve 5 Pour the above over 200 g of ice and let it cool 6 Pour the above into glasses and enjoy with the frozen fruit from steps 1 and 2 added in 7 It is more delicious than you think Isn t fruit tea great Fruit Ice Pops Tea
March plan with me is finally here (about time, right!?) ________________________
Thanks to Sony for partnering with us on this video! Learn how to plate like a pro with these simple ingredients.
前 芋煮→ 次 ぎんなん→ 再生リスト
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In this week's Must Know Monday video Kelly shows some new items that she got in recently at her store. Harmony Bell Necklaces.
제주도에 가면 먹을수 있는 흑돼지 구이 - 난드르 깡통구이 여기 식당은 제주 흑돼지 상위 10%를 눈으로 골라내서 전문발골사만 아는 관리기술로 제주도 전통 흑돼지 맛을 살려낸다고 하네요.
励みになりますので、チャンネル登録お願いします m(_ _"m)”
Each year in December, Anna and Clara bake Christmas biscuits and other treats for the season’s family visits and meals. This year...
Сибирский зоопарк в Иркутске выглядит как детский сад. Здесь двух месячные медведи Маня и Тёма играют в одном вольере с козлятами ...
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