DIY DECOR GEODES // diy decor ideas (so fancy) ✨

by DIY Dalia

DIY DECOR GEODES // diy decor ideas (so fancy) ✨


LOVE YOU SO MUCH Ana Luisa Jewelry starting at 39 Check their designs here I know you will love them Use code Dalia10 for 10 offVideo sponsored by Ana Luisa Follow Me on INSTAGRAM diydalia_ Hi friends and happy Wednesday Today we re going to be making 4 different types of geode diy decor ideas diy wall art diy display piece diy clock and diy coasters I m always looking to make professional looking decor and you guys I think these agate decor pieces totally hit the mark They turned out so pretty and they re fully customizable to your color scheme too I hope you like them and don t forget to tell me which one was your fav PRODUCTS IN THIS VIDEO Paint Colors DIY CUTE DECOR PROJECTS IN THIS VIDEO diy geode wall art diy wall decor diy geode display art diy geode clock diy clock diy coasters F O L L O W M E C O N T A C T M E Want to reach out Email me at diydalia1 gmail comThanks for watching supporting XX Dalia




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