How French women wear perfume & how to apply it | Parisian chic | Justine Leconte

by Justine Leconte officiel

How French women wear perfume & how to apply it | Parisian chic | Justine Leconte


Why is French perfume so famous Grasse mimosa tuberose orange blossom Chanel number 5 and modern perfumes What is the difference between parfum eau de parfum and eau de toilette How to apply perfume the French way Which perfume do French women actually wear How is perfume integrated in the French beauty routine My main perfumes Chloé eau de toilette younger good for the office See by Chloé very light summer like Chanel n 5 eau de toilette to be the boss Yves Saint Laurent YSL great basic Yves Saint Laurent Paris bottle empty but a great basic Yves Saint Laurent Opium very heavy Thumbs up if you liked this video Any question or tip Comment below New videos Wednesday 5pm Sunday 12pm Paris Berlin time Take care Justine PREVIOUS EPISODES OF THE FRENCH SERIES About the French style rules and tips About the 10 essentials of a French wardrobe About the way Parisian women do their hair and make up About clothing classics invented by French designers Take care Justine To contribute subtitles under any of my videos If you speak the following languages there are videos already translated that only need a review before they can go live Spanish English Portuguese Danish Thai Chinese Russian Hungarian Estonian Italian Polish Greek Hebrew Norwegian Bulgarian Romanian Just follow the link above and YouTube will automatically show you the videos that need the language you speak Thanks for your help SOCIALInstagram JustineLeconte_officielFacebook Justine Leconte FashionTwitter JustineLeconteOPinterest jleconteberlinMy website current collection www justineleconte com shopBusiness requests only info justineleconte com french style perfume fragrance



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