DIY: How To Make Christian Louboutin Rainbow GLITTER Heels!! - By Orly Shani

by The DIY Designer

DIY: How To Make Christian Louboutin Rainbow GLITTER Heels!! - By Orly Shani


Join my fam www theDIYdesigner comWell I don t quite know what to say about these heels except THEY RE SO EPIC AND GORGEOUS AND I CAN T WALK 5 FEET WITHOUT BEING STOPPED These are a HACK of the Christian Louboutin So Kate Glitter Heels which cost 795 Make sure you listen to the voice over because there are a few tricks to make the tape peel perfectly I learned it while doing my second shoe and I explain in the voice over MATERIALSThe hack costs about 20 35 to do on a pair of heels I bought my black faux suede pumps in downtown LA for 17 but you could use any heels you want as long as they re a fabric and not slick leather I have linked all other materials that you need up above but if you have any questions please let me know




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