前回の編みつけ用のレザー底ですが、 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqVc8EybaFc ) こんな感じで進んでいます☺️人気の夏糸、「エコアンダリヤ」で編んでいますが、 針のサイズを変更したのでひとまずお知らせです。
Painting like Van Gogh crows in a wheat field Acrylic painting for beginners this is a full step by step learn to Beginners Acrylic Painting an easy to follow Painting like Van Gogh in acrylics let CLIVE5ART show you step by STEP Easy to follow every part of the painting process to get you a great finished painting in a fun teaching lesson using several reference sources to bring you a true teaching experienceI m painting on a 16 x 20 inch stretched canvas but you can paint on any type and size of canvas you like Standard brushes used during the lesson by various manufacturers Clive5art Brushes go to www clive5art co ukBlender 1 1 2 Script Liner Foliage Brushes Short Flats 1 1 2 Rounds from 0 1 up to no 4Filberts from no2 up to no 8A very small detail brushPaints used in this Lesson clive5art Vincent color range www clive5art co uk Vincent Van gogh PalletFrench Ultramarine BlueVermilionPrussian BlueEmerald Green Titanium White Zink YellowChrome YellowNaples YellowCochneil madder But you can use any colors you like Wet PalletWater distilledRoll of Kitchen Paper TowelCup of Welsh Brew Tea Become a patron and get some awesome rewards Your support will help me improve my video editingArtwork is the property of clive5art it s intended for the personal enjoyment of the student and not commercial use Contact me direct on clive5art yahoo co uk commercial use policies For profit businesses and the Painting Sip N Paint Party industry may not use this or any other tutorial and or original paintings or designs without a licensed or signed use deal with Clive5art If you d like to share this or any other tutorial original painting design carrying the clive5art logo with a church group skilled nursing facility or other nonprofit interest do get in touch with me on the above email I am happy to share ideas guides and a few fun little extras to make bringing the clive5art lessons to your community Uk only This artwork and video footage is under copyright and is intended for the viewer s personal enjoyment Reference Sites royalty free
前回の編みつけ用のレザー底ですが、 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqVc8EybaFc ) こんな感じで進んでいます☺️人気の夏糸、「エコアンダリヤ」で編んでいますが、 針のサイズを変更したのでひとまずお知らせです。
[Please switch to English subtitles]
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