DIY KINTSUGI | How To Build a Round Concrete Coffee Table

by Modern Builds

DIY KINTSUGI | How To Build a Round Concrete Coffee Table


DIY Gold Leaf Kintsugi Today on Modern Builds I m trying a method of DIY Kintsugi using a round concrete table top and gold lead adhesive This was my attempt at salvaging what would ve been a huge failure and I couldn t be happier with how it came out If course this isn t proper kinsugi but it was fun and a good learning experience Links for everything I used is below Code MODERNBUILDSMaterials and Supplies 3 4 Melamine From Home Depot1 Bag of Quikrete From Home DepotCare of works hard to recommend supplements based on scientific research and your personal goals As a friendly reminder supplements aren t intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease Thanks for Watching ___DONT FORGET TO LIKE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE ___ADD ME ON ___Thanks for watching Mike MontgomeryMODERN BUILDS



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