多款彩妝新品開箱!準備好尖叫聲一起收禮物 | 沛莉 Peri
生活動態追蹤IG:peri168 🦄 按讚+留言,抽3位送#Maybelline 琉璃誘光精油唇膏璀璨寶石款不挑色。抽3位送千元精選禮包🎁 12/15截止 12/18網站5happy.cc公佈。 嘿!也別忘了美國Vlog影片每支都有抽獎送彩妝戰利品,還沒參加...
I ve been so fascinated with researching various methods for fermentation and canning lately Since I really enjoy Kombucha and buy it often I thought it was a good time to start brewing my own Kombucha is essentially fermented tea with lots of believed benefits for gut health It also contains healthy probiotics for the body If you re a Kombucha fan I hope this video inspires you to try brewing your own The instagram I mentioned is Deannacat3 Her and her husband do sooo many things my husband and I have wanted to Sometimes it seems intimidating until you see someone else do it and realize it can be done and done well Check her out MAILING ADDRESS 18653 Ventura Blvd 655 Tarzana CA 91356 DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed are true my own I link affiliate links to make it easier for you to find the exact products I mention and I LOVE YOU Thank you for supporting what I do THIS IS NOT A SPONSORED VIDEO
生活動態追蹤IG:peri168 🦄 按讚+留言,抽3位送#Maybelline 琉璃誘光精油唇膏璀璨寶石款不挑色。抽3位送千元精選禮包🎁 12/15截止 12/18網站5happy.cc公佈。 嘿!也別忘了美國Vlog影片每支都有抽獎送彩妝戰利品,還沒參加...
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HEY EVERYONE... Welcome BACK to my channel!! Hi, how are ya??Today I'm testing out the brand new pizza eyeshadow palette from the ...
"Why not start by changing from within? You could try doing things you don't normally do, yes?"
Skip the store and make your own Evaporated Milk in 25 minutes! Get the WRITTEN RECIPE here: http://bit.ly/EvapMilk SUBSCRIBE HERE...
Modern Handwriting Calligraphy with Glass Pen x Slo Lee JOIN THE #CALLIGRAFREAKS - https://goo.gl/t5DLZ1
Hand embroidery. Borderline embroidery design. Embroidery design for dresses. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe for furthe...
Beginner chain lazy daisy stitch | Hand embroidery beginners tutorial
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