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This is the perfect project to use up a few of those gorgeous fall leaves outside while creating a pretty centerpiece at the same time I used leaves that had fallen from my redbud tree to mod podge to the side of the pot after attaching them first with a couple dots of hot glue then I put several strands of sock yarn together to tie around the leaves for a more finished look Soil went in next along with a pot a couple sizes smaller nested into the center In the smaller pot went a layer of decorative stones to act as a base for the candle then the candle with more rocks around it for extra support I planted some sempervivums I transferred from one of my flower beds and to top it all off added a couple stems of faux berries It seems like a lot of steps but it actually came together very quickly and easily Hope you enjoyed the video Laura ABOUT ME Hi my name is Laura and I along with my husband make gardening videos I live in Eastern Oregon and garden in a zone 5 My parents own an independent garden center that I ve worked at for over 10 years Follow me Here Email contact gardenanswer comPackages Fan MailGarden Answer580 S Oregon StOntario Oregon 97914Brands we partner with
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ところで最近たまご多くね?と思ったそこのあなた! 私は毎日ゆでたまごの白身だけを食べている! 黄身は食べないのかって? 黄身はキミにあげruy(殴
多肉植物の写真やネットショップの入荷情報をpostしています。イベント出店の際のお知らせもこちら。 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/porto_taniku/
Hand embroidery beautiful border design | Border design tutorial
天「おっ、と、と、と」コテンッ もも「大丈夫?」 天「い、今のはコケたんじゃないぞ。いわゆるダサかっこいい座り方だ。流行ってるんだ(たぶん)」 もも「さっすがー✨」
We made a tall, soft and smooth Japanese-style cheesecake. This took us 5 times to make correctly! But all 5 of the Moso Family me...
타피오카 펄을 넣어 더 쫄깃한 마시멜로우를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡ ...
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