Summer Mermaid Makeup by Rani【...
Hey guys Today I will show you how to make a lotus inspired candle holder out of oven bake polymer or air dry clay Growing from the mud and blooming towards the sky a lotus symbolizes purity spiritual awakening revival and fortune Things you will need Rolling pin Cookie cutter that is about the same size as your tea candle Acrylic paint brushes to colour the candle holder Shiny Glaze VarnishIf you have any questions feel free to comment down below And if you have any DIY requests just let me know I hope you enjoy this DIY and find it helpful Thank you for watching have a wonderful day and see you next week mako Like a lotus flower that grows out of the mud and blossoms above the muddy water surface we can rise above our defilements and sufferings of life Let s stay in touch Snapchat makoccino Linked videos at the end DIY Strawberry Pineapple Plantersbit ly DIYPineappleStrawberryPlantersDIY Clay Fruit Bowls from Scratch Other Playlists you might be interested in DIY Summer Projects bit ly SummerDIYs Other links MUSIC A Himitsu Easier to Fade feat Madi Larson Creative Commons by Argofox is licensed under a Creative Commons License Disclaimer Not sponsored Links marked with are affiliate links
ゴロゴロと鳴きながらお母さんの膝の上でゴロゴロするオデコがかわいいです^^ 好きなだけ触らせてくれるオデコに感謝です♬
Finetec Mica pearl colors for calligraphy - Review I have been doing a lot of art supply rewiews on instagram stories, I've had al...
提供:YOU TOKYO ↓YOU TOKYOヘアオイルの詳細はこちら♡
New year, new bullet journal! Here's how I set up my 2018 planner, hope you guys like the new vibes! CHEERS! LAST YEAR'S 2017 BULL...
Day 20 of the Holiday Card Series 2018. The series consists of 25 holiday card videos on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each wee...
We made hearty chocolate-coated waffles with sprinkles on top just like the chocolate bananas sold at night markets. It's so filli...
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