Toaster Oven Breakfast Tart - Gemmas Bigger Bolder Baking

by Gemma Stafford

Toaster Oven Breakfast Tart - Gemmas Bigger Bolder Baking


BUY my Featured GoodCook Product This tart takes only 15 to 20 minutes to bake and has everything including melted cheese and perfectly cooked eggs RELATED VIDEOS RECIPESHi Bold Bakers Imagine all the best bits of a homemade breakfast in on lovely handheld tart My recipe for a Toaster Oven Breakfast Tart has got it all crispy bacon melty cheese fresh spinach and a perfectly cooked egg all atop a light and buttery piece of puff pastry My mouth is watering just thinking about it ABOUT GEMMAHi Bold Bakers I m Gemma Stafford a professional chef originally from Ireland and I m passionate about sharing my years of baking experience to show you how to bake with confidence anytime anywhere Join millions of other Bold Bakers in the community for new videos at 8 30am Pacific Time every Thursday FOLLOW ME HERE BOLD BAKERS




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