【UVレジン 100均】キャンドゥからアロマクラフト用のシリ...
Chorrillos Lima Peru Located within Lima yet it feels like a totally different city is Chorrillos a fishing village There s a community of fishermen a boat harbor fish and seafood market and even a man who makes fishing boats by hand for the village It was fantastic to walk around the village the fish market and take a quick boat ride to get started We then continued walking through Chorrillos to a Peruvian Creole Typically of Spanish descent but mixed with Indigenous and Afro Peruvian cultures family who raises roosters and also cooks insanely delicious Peruvian seafood Here are the Peruvian food seafood dishes we ate Mixed ceviche Raw fish squid scallopsTiradito Sashimi cut raw fish yellow pepper sauceCeviche Peruvian sole cevicheSudado Peruvian fish stewIt was an amazing meal with some of the most complex and delicious ceviche I had during my entire trip to Peru and some of the best Peruvian food I ve tried The view and setting were also fantastic MUSIC Te Quiero De Verdad Banana Chips are available now worldwide Get t shirts and caps Camera gear I use FOLLOW
Hey! In today's video I'll show you a simple watercolor painting technique that you can try out to create depth in your watercolor...
Watch Divine give birth: https://youtu.be/UAC5G5rdQis
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リオはお肉をかじるとよく唸っていたのですが、レイリーの唸り声は初めて聞きました! 温厚なレイちゃんも唸ることがあるのですね^^ 最近お肉動画が続いてるのですが、量的にはおやつ程度でメインは子猫用のキャットフードを1日4回与えています^^
original pattern by Mikancl
This week we return to the wide world of anime for a hotly-requested jet-black delicacy: squid ink pasta. While it smells like th...
猫たちによる負けられない戦いがそこにある インスタグラムhttps://www.instagram.com/pontaxponta ツイッターhttps://Twitter.com/pontaxxxponta おすすめ動画 子猫を拾ってみた2017...
Kevin就是東京人代表, 一定要把最新、最好玩、最有趣的日本美妝資訊分享給大家呀! 鎖定Kevin想得美獲得最新美妝資訊喔✨
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