by ClaCali



Hey everyone Loving this diy and is probably my favourite summer DIY that we have done This DIY pallet daybed or DIY pallet couch is so easy and a very cheap and affordable way to add furniture to your backyard or patio Small or big this DIY pallet couch is customizable to fit any size outdoor space you may have Before starting your DIY pallet couch or any pallet furniture you have to know how to pick the best pallets Yes it is most of the time free but you have to chose pallets that are safe clean and durable It s also important to understand how to store your pallets when rainy season or winter comes around Check out these helpful sites LEARN HOW TO PROTECT STORE YOUR WOOD FURNITURE THUMBS UP if you enjoyed this DIY and don t forget to subscribe for more COMMENT down below as I love to hear from all of you Much LOVE Clarizz



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