by abetweene



o p e n f o r d e t a i l s your skin and follicles are more susceptible to irritation and bacteria after hair removal so treating your skin post wax is very important this is how i soothe the skin and protect it after sugaring you can even use this for chapped lips rashes and bug bites s u p p l i e si n f u s e d o i lto infuse your oil add desired amount of dry herbs to a glass jar then fill the jar with your carrier oil of choice ensuring that your dry ingredients are completely covered and submerged mix with a chopstick to release air bubbles then set in a sunny window for 3 4 weeks when done use cheesecloth or stockings to strain the oil and discard the herbs don t forget to label your batch with the date made and store in a cool dry place d i r e c t o n splace your wax or butter infused oil into a double boiler or metal glass bowl over boiling water once completely melted add your essential oils combine then immediately remove from the heat pour your melted oil directly into your container of choice then leave to set you may speed up the solidifying process by placing in the refrigerator or freezer when ready to use scoop a small amount or use clean fingers to melt apply directly to the skin this is not a sponsored video some linked products may grant me a small commission v i d e o s t o w a t c hdiy sugar wax for beginners m y o t h e r d i y c h a n n e l t e c hCanon Rebel T3iCanon EOS M10Final Cut Pro X editing software w e b abetweene comi n s t a g r a m abetweenet w i t t e r abetweenef a c e b o o k facebok com abetweenee aftercarebalm skincarebalm skinsalve diyskincare zerowasteskincare diyoil diybodyoil diysugarwax sugarwax diysugarwax




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