DIY Suspended Greenery Centerpiece

by ClaCali

DIY Suspended Greenery Centerpiece


HI everyone Must be my FAVOURITE diy centerpiece yet I m sharing with you this every so gorgouse diy suspended greenery centerpiece Not only can this be used for a diy thanksgiving table decor but it can be used for weddings bridal shower or even a diy back drop for pictures This amazing diy can be made for diy fall weddings and an easy wedding diy decor I am really loving it because you can put any type of greenery or flowers for the theme you are going for L O V E M Y T A B L E Find out more about my current favourite furniture piece at the moment It seats up to 12 people which is so good for my family gatherings See the Transformer Table here www transformertable comB E C O M E F R I E N D S W I T H M E Make sure you add me on IG ClaClali1FB ClaCaliPinterest ClaCaliand lastly SUBSCRIBE to my vlog channel on youtube House of Cali COMMENT below and say hi THanks for watching and see you in the next one Love Clarizz



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