Mom reassured me She said that this time we won t go to the vet clinic so the doctor came to my house Of course I pretended to be completely not afraid looked directly into his eyes but I was scared I was given an annual examination and vaccination general tests
Day 14 of the Holiday Card Series 2019. The series consists of 25 holiday card videos on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each wee...
Get the same vacuum cleaner from Amazon here: http://amzn.to/2sUR6ac Bini the Bunny is at it again, in this video, Bini cleans u...
こんにちは👋 今回は、ミツロウワックスを使って、乙女椿のキャンドルを作ってみました。 火を灯さずに、飾るだけでも綺麗なキャンドルになりました☺️
美味的方法,以糧食果醬♪大創是日本的100圓店百日元=約$ 1的Instagram]⇒http:仁的//instagram.com/bonobos25_official 100粒果醬秘方第二!斯康未來潘♪的草莓麵包煉乳味道如何!?穀物果醬(30克)在100日元...
Ugh! Not a great week for me but I guess everyone has days at work where your head falls off!! Thanks so much for watching guys......
天「いつまで寝てるんだ、警備の時間だぞ」 もも「あと3分だけ寝かせて〜」 天「分かった。あと3分だな」 もも「やっぱりあと5分」 天「あと5分な」 もも「というかあと10分」 天「起きる気ある?」 もも「えへへ」
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Geode resin flower coasters I used Stone Coat Countertops Art Coat to make these resin coasters.. I also used white Castin Craft p...
We made a watermelon-shaped ice pop that doesn't taste like watermelon. We even included dried blueberries to look like seeds. Be ...
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