귀여운 아비시니안 새끼고양이 입양기 아기고양이와 첫만남...
#새끼고양이#아비시니안#아기고양이 2개월된 귀여운 아비시니안 새끼고양이 크림이를 데리고 온 첫날, 아비시니안 고양이 답게 하루만에 새로운 보금자리에 금방 적응했어요.
Harlequin her kittens have been adopted WATCH OUR LIVE 24 7 FOSTER KITTEN CAMGo to KittenCuddleRoom com to see our newest foster kittens OR to see video of Harley her kittens for the entire 8 weeks they were with us Please subscribe so you will always be notified of new kittens Harlequin was rescued by a veterinarian who happened to hear her little meows coming from a taped up box next to recycling bins in an alley He took her back to his office and after taking an x ray confirmed that Harlequin is pregnant and she is due to give birth in the next week The veterinarian reached out to KittenRescue org for help and Harlequin is now being fostered by Sarah at the Kitten Cuddle Room until she her kittens are adopted Harlequin is around 9 months old weighs 7 14lbs and we are expecting 4 or 5 kittens She is SUPER sweet and very floofy Once Harlequins kittens are at least 8 weeks old 2lbs they will be spayed neutered and available for adoption as will she Watch from birth to adoption Maybe adopt them into your home heart Kittens are adopted in Pairs unless there is already a super friendly cat already in the home But applications for pairs will be given priority You can see pictures of Harlequin my other three fosters who are available for adoption now at Twitter Instagram KittenCuddleRm THE KITTEN NAMING will happen AFTER the kittens are born Sarah will announce a time to tune in for how to participate The theme will be CHARACTERS from ROMANTIC COMEDY FILMS HOW YOU CAN HELP PAYPAL SarahsKittenCuddleRoom gmail com CHAT RULES 1 DON T be mean We joke can be a bit sarcastic at times but no bullying 2 NO Spamming3 NO overuse of emojis Stick to 4 or less especially during a live birth 4 NO CAPITALS OR SPECIAL FONTS except for our chatters who are CCing for our hearing impaired members Especially during a live birth If chat is going too fast it makes it impossible for anyone who needs CCing to read it 5 We like to be as inclusive as possible so please avoid conversations about religion politics 6 BEFORE asking a question please scroll back in chat a bit check if it s already been asked answered It helps to keep Sarah from having to repeat herself every five minutes 7 DURING A LIVE BIRTH please assume Sarah is NOT READING THE CHAT If she can she will but asking her direct questions or things like move the camera will most likely not be seen by her just make chat unnecessarily clogged Many questions can be answered by your fellow viewers so please feel free to ask but again FIRST scroll back in chat check if it s been answered already 8 This is REAL LIFE FOSTERING Uncensored Along with all the cuteness cuddles there is poop sometimes worms throw up illness sadly kittens can pass away If that is too much for you we understand Instead of upsetting the other viewers please just excuse yourself That doesn t mean you can t share concern or ask questions but Sarah is an experienced foster has lots of experienced support watching helping her behind the scenes unless you are a local licensed vet in Los Angeles who wants to offer your services for free it doesn t help to make judgments without all the information 9 PLEASE don t suggest to Sarah that she should keep her fosters It is hard enough for her to let them go She already has 4 of her own cats caring for cats is not only about cuddling She has no more space in her small home regular vet care can be expensive especially dental darn it Rob The goal is to help support Sarah not only with kitty supplies but ALSO emotionally That means not making adopting out these kitties she loves any harder than it already is
#새끼고양이#아비시니안#아기고양이 2개월된 귀여운 아비시니안 새끼고양이 크림이를 데리고 온 첫날, 아비시니안 고양이 답게 하루만에 새로운 보금자리에 금방 적응했어요.
Cacao! ∴∵ゞ(´ω`*) ♪ Please wait for an English translation & subtitle of this video.
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