Inside the Artists Studio: Tamiko Kawata

by EFA Studios

Inside the Artists Studio: Tamiko Kawata


Through my artwork I am searching for another vision and another way of thinking for my life in the expressive space between installation works sculptures and wall works I compose overlooked indigenous objects from our daily life as my media My choice of materials and interpretation are influenced by the differences that I experience between life in America and in Japan where I grew up I often use repetition and aim to create energy chaos within quiet stillness Bauhaus and Dadaism these philosophies were perfect to affect the wounded youth in post World War II Japan and I was not an exception I grew up learning from and observing them in my formative years in Japan My sculptural education was academic but these philosophies became a solid core for my way of thinking and for my art making My works are my visual diaries of adapted American life



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안녕하세요. 블랑주니입니다. 예쁜 꽃병 자수를 준비해보았어요. 어렵지 않은 스티치들로 구성했으니 초보자분들도 한번 도전해보세요^^


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嘿!我有一堆要求來分享我們在花園裡做什麼,所以我想分享。 =)就DIY而言,我會讓您了解他們的進展情況.. =)移植是最簡單的方法,但是如果您指定種子起始,那麼也可以是啟動花園的好方法。 =)

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