瑪麗·格林威爾:婚禮化妝 - 巴特的新娘
與香奈兒合作生產。購買請到Chanel.com http://bit.ly/2sXx2aX
Teddy the cat arrived in a police car carried by an animal loving policeman who could hardly hold back his tears His condition is terrible but in just a few words HIS HEAD IS ABOUT TO BURST Teddy has several head injuries and the infection has spread all overhis head which is under incredible pressure This afternoon he will have a blood transfusion As soon as he isstable enough TEDDY WILL BE OPERATED to try to stop the infectionthat his causing him such excruciating painDONATE HELP US SAVE HIM
與香奈兒合作生產。購買請到Chanel.com http://bit.ly/2sXx2aX
秋だもん。どんぐりころころチョコケーキ♪ | Almond Acorn Chocolate cake
HI SISTERS! Counterfeit makeup has always been a dangerous problem in the beauty industry. I've tested out fake makeup on my chann...
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