by Nikkia Joy



A full face of Maybelline faves new releases One of my fave ever drugstore affordable brands and they have so many products that have been holy grails of mine for years I hope you enjoy the video and let me know in the comments if there are any products that you guys know of that I need to test Thank you to Maybelline for partnering with me for todays video S O C I A L M E D I A SNAPCHAT nikkiajoy P R O D U C T S U S E D Maybelline Superstay PrimerMaybelline Superstay Full Coverage Foundation Warm SunMaybelline Brow Extensions Crayon Medium Brown Maybelline Brow Ultra Slim Pencil Dark BrownMaybelline Nudes of New York Eyeshadow PaletteMaybelline Master Precise Eyeliner BlackMaybelline Falsies Lash Lift Mascara WaterproofMaybelline Age Rewind Eraser Concealer NeutralizeMaybelline Fit Me Loose Powder LightMaybelline City Bronzer Medium WarmMaybelline Fit Me Blush RoseMaybelline Master Chrome Highlighter Molten GoldMaybelline Superstay Lip Crayon Accept A Dare Lead The WayMaybelline Glass Finishing Spray PR SPONSORSHIP ENQUIRIES For all enquiries please contact nikkiajoybusiness gmail comAustralian specific enquiries please contact MAX CONNECTORS nikkia MaxConnectors com au R E L A T E D V I D E O S C O U P O N S D I S C O U N T S GERARD COSMETICS The Slay All Day is seriously the BEST setting spray for oily skin I also love their lipsticks liquid lips Use coupon code JOY for 30 off your order BH COSMETICSOne of the best affordable brands on the market I love them Use code NIKKIA for 10 off OFRA COSMETICS Amazing highlighters liquid lipsticks Use Code NIKKIAJOY for 30 off SIGMA BRUSHESUse code NIKKIAJOY to save 10 off any Sigma Brushes



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