Drum pendant with flat round stones without hole use basic macrame knot 413

by Lan Anh Handmade

Drum pendant with flat round stones without hole use basic macrame knot 413


Drum pendant with flat round stones without hole use basic macrame knot macrame technique jewelry making from copper wire The idea for this pattern started when I saw my son s Trong ech combine how to knit wire of the Trong com These are the traditional drums of VietnamEvery year when mid autumn festival Moon Festival 15 8 lunar calendar This year on September 24 the kids once again play the Trong ech frog drum Traditional drums made from frog skin Now it is made of buffalo skin The Trong com rice drum Traditional drums gets its name from the practice of placing a pinch of hot steamed rice in the middle of the drum skin to tune the instrument With this method you can apply any shape stone With simple steps and simple tools Anyone can make their own accessoriesWith creativity you can change some details to create your own stylewire size to make Pendant with stones 2cm in diameter19 gauge wire diameter 0 9mm 2 x 10 cm 4 inch 2 5 cm 1 inch 28 gauge wire diameter 0 3mm 60cm 24 inch TIPS Before doing Always be sure to straighten the wire for a more beautiful product Can use a towel to straighten the wire Can knit wire near or far as you like Can be replaced with silver wire or gold wire for jewelry more valuableOr simply use cheap material like copper wire to make gifts for friends family or for yourself I just give way reference not the best way Can change size wire to suit your purpose You can do better than me



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