Este es un tutorial paso a paso para aprender a tejer llaveros a crochet muy fácil, con dos tirabuzones tejidos.
My piece for our Bad Apple Artist Collective auction last April 2019 She was inspired by the Six of Crows book by Leigh Bardugo Hope you like it BECOME MY PATRON FOLLOW ME SHOP Email margaretmoralesart gmail com Materials Paper Arches 300gsmPaint Mix of Winsor Newton Professional and Holbein and white Acryla gouacheBrushes Trekkel and a Chinese point brushMusic by Rui Ruii the Seal PianistKiwii216 Thank you for watching margaretmoralesart watercolor
Este es un tutorial paso a paso para aprender a tejer llaveros a crochet muy fácil, con dos tirabuzones tejidos.
Today we decided to make some like, totally awesome 80's inspired DIYs, home decor or party decor! We turned some vintage 80's tec...
안녕하세요❤ 너무 오랫만에 업로드 반성합니다ㅠ 오늘은 차우차우 가위컷영상준비해봤어요~ 중국이 원산지인 차우차우는 사자를 닮은 견종으로 청보라색 혓바닥이 큰 특징입니다~ 속털과 겉털로 이루어져있어 숱도 많고 밀도도 높아 털관리...
柴犬🐶もも(6歳♀) 黒猫😸天(4歳♂) キジトラ😸空(1〜3歳♂)
子猫たちは遊んで疲れたらこんな感じで帰っちゃう 一日目 → 少し弱っているけど精一杯生きている子猫たちと出会ったhttps://youtu.be/ZzclPnhnkVQ 二日目 → 弱った子猫を保護して一晩たったら?https://youtu.be...
블루베리를 콕콕 박아 장식한 블루베리 크림치즈 타르트를 만들었어요~ ▼▽▼▽구독하고~ 좋아요!누르고 공유 부탁드려요!^^▼▽▼▽ 더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥For more detailed rec...
きょんのTwitter個人垢↓↓↓↓ https://mobile.twitter.com/kyonchandayo_
Happy Friday everyone! Here is another background noise video for you to draw along to, have in the background or watch as you ple...
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