Dry Brush & Foil Tutorial - 5 Min Nail Art! • Natasha Harton Nails

by Natasha Harton

Dry Brush & Foil Tutorial - 5 Min Nail Art! • Natasha Harton Nails


Hello Lovelies It s been a busy couple weeks and I ve been trying to get videos up but just haven t had the time to edit We hosted our 2nd annual 5K A marathon of Education from October 15 October 26 SO FUN I m back now with a quick nail art technique that I often wear on my own nails It s created using a dry brush technique with gel and gel polish as well as transfer foil Enjoy P R O D U C T S U S E D Ugly Duckling Gel Polish 131 143 Ugly Duckling Black White Schmelt It Ugly Duckling Angled Student Brush Ugly Duckling 2 Oval Art Tips Ugly Duckling No Wipe Top Coat Ugly Duckling Crystal Tip Display Clear Ugly Duckling Mini LED Gel Lamp L E T S B E S O C I A L instagram natashaharton snapchat natashaharton facebook Natasha does Nails B U S I N E S S P R I V A T E T R A I N I N G I N Q U I R I E S natasha uglyduckling gmail com I m a Master Educator for Ugly Duckling Nails Inc in beautiful Victoria British Columbia Canada Want more information on our full line of products Visit our website at www uglyducklingnails com




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