Easy Spray Paint Upgrades

by BuzzFeed Nifty

Easy Spray Paint Upgrades


Here is what you ll need Easy Spray Paint UpgradesSUPPLIESSpray PaintPlastic GlovesPainters TapeNewspaperEarloop Face MaskINSTRUCTIONS1 Find a well ventilated area to work in and cover the workspace 2 Wipe down the surface of each object you plan on spray painting 3 Use painters tape and newspaper to conceal any parts of the object that you do not want to paint 4 Put on your gloves and face mask and spray paint away 5 Re coat as necessary to get your optimal look Make to wait at least five minutes between coats 6 Let things dry completely before use Check us out on Facebook facebook com buzzfeedniftyMUSICLicensed via Audio Network



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