레드 벨벳 딸기 케이크 : 크리스마스 케이크 : Red...
구독과 좋아요는 영상 제작에 큰 힘이 됩니다. "알람신청"도 해주시면 감사해요 ^^
If you can t see me then I m not here Phil logic 101 Welcome to the nightmare that is bath time Phil has won an Oscar for his amateur dramatics when it comes to getting clean The dog hates bath time with a passion but he loves dirty puddles lakes and anything else that he s not supposed to get in Phil tries to hide behind his little sister the cat the toilet brush and even thin air He tries to give the puppy dog eyes and even pretends to ignore peanut butter his favourite in a bid to escape his own personal Alcatraz This dog is on a mission to make himself as heavy as possible in order to become an immovable object while Shane tries to lift him in Bear in mind Phil is a giant malamute and weighs around 53 kilo This is all much to the amusement of Milo the cat as he watches on in laughter even parading around the edge of the tub in amusement Niko comes in to have words with Phil she sacrifices herself voluntarily to be lifted in and show Phil how it s done Once Phil is aware the camera is rolling and it s going on youtube he gets his act together as if he s always been cool with baths haha Phil tries to impress Mia as she is standing now with morale support by him in his time of need These were captured over the past year as we struggled to convince Phil that smelling good is the way forward Nevertheless he endeavours to find any dirty stagnant water in protest still to this day Phil has a skin condition recently diagnosed as alopecia X in which new fur does not grow it s been stuck in this stage for some time now so his coat isn t self cleaning anymore and as such he needs more regular baths to maintain and stop his longer hair matting Phil unfortunately is losing fur in patches and it won t grow back but we are trying various medications to aid over the past few years to try and help him Thanks for watching guys we hope this gives you a laugh and brightens up your day whether your stuck inside or feeling a bit down in these uncertain times Phil is a very special dog and he just has that aura that makes people feel warm and fuzzy like him haha we re not going to show Phil this video as it will bring back memories his next B A T H is due in a couple of weeks eeeeeekkk Love from all the family xx
구독과 좋아요는 영상 제작에 큰 힘이 됩니다. "알람신청"도 해주시면 감사해요 ^^
↓是非チャンネル登録宜しくお願いします! https://goo.gl/6BYhcn
Hugs all around. Finishing up the Hugs quilt
こじ開けて無理やり入っていく豆大福がかわいいです^^ ちょっとだけ、ちょっとだけスマートではないです♬
チワワのかんぺーくんと、インコのモレッキくん。 同い年の仲良し兄弟。 かんちゃん!かんぺー! モレッキだよ。 モニョモニョモニョモニョ…
Follow Rie on Instagram @thedessertsnob
VLOGMAS 2017 Playlist: https://goo.gl/Dwe1qV TRIBUTE STAR ORIGINAL PATTERN: https://goo.gl/Qjjgrs
Terminamos de usar los Pétalos para terminar nuestra Flor Jennifer recuerden pueden usar todos los Pétalos cómo Gusten lo importan...
This video about:Hand Embroidery, 3-Different Flower Stitch, Same Flower Varieties Stitch
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