Haul : Suqqu, Pat McGrath, Kaj...
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Ingredients 50g sago pearl tapioca pearl can be substitution 150g sweet potato150g taro10g beet root80ml water100g tapioca starcha can of coconut milk 400ml 400ml water60g palm sugar3 pandan leavesbananamangoInstructions 1 soak sago pearl for 30 minutes 2 steam sweet potato and taro for 10 minutes 3 make beet juice with beet and water then strain 4 bring beet juice to a boil and mix it with tapioca starch knead well 5 boil tapioca jelly until it starts to float transfer into water 6 put coconut milk water and palm sugar together in a pot add pandan leaves then simmer for 5 10 minutes remove pandan leaves 7 add sago pearl sweet potato taro and tapioca jelly 8 add banana and mango 9 It can be served hot or cold as you wish 材料 サゴパール 50g タピオカパールで代用可 さつまいも 150gタロイモ 150g 里芋や山芋で代用可 ビーツ 10g水 80mlタピオカスターチ 100gココナッツミルク 1缶 400ml 水 400mlパームシュガー 60gパンダンリーフ 3枚バナナ 適量マンゴー 適量 作り方 1 サゴパールを30分ほど浸水します 2 さつまいもとタロイモを10分ほど蒸します 3 ビーツと水でビーツジュースを作ります 4 ビーツジュースを沸騰させ タピオカスターチに加えて手早く混ぜ合わせます 5 タピオカゼリーを茹でます 表面に浮いてきたら水に移します 6 ココナッツミルク 水 パームシュガー パンダンリーフを鍋に入れ 弱火で5 10分ほど煮てパンダンリーフを取り出します 7 サゴパール さつまいも タロイモ タピオカゼリーを加え 少し煮ます 8 バナナとマンゴーを加えます 9 温かいままでも 冷たいままでも美味しく召し上がれます I often use iHerb to get organic ingredients Use a code YOY970 to get a discount on your first purchase They ship internationally at low price sometimes even free Instagram peaceful_cuisine Equipments etc Camera Sony A7RIILens FE 35mm F1 4 ZA SEL35F14Z Lens Filter Kenko variable NDX 82mmMic RODE Videomic Pro Monitor Atomos Ninja AssassinTripods SLIK carbon 923 pro SLIK carbon 823 pro SLIK mini pro 7Edit Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Open Me 'n Watch in HD!! :)
This first-of-its-kind MAGIC WAND OF MAKEUP has concealing super powers to make your skin wishes come true! As seen in Charlotte’s...
咳咳咳、、、最近聽到好多人咳嗽,Kevin也是啊,周媽媽一聽到我咳嗽,會依照不同的「症頭」,做一碗梨燉麥芽或燉洋蔥叫我喝下去! 真的會超~舒~服~ #周媽媽秘笈 #喝下去好像黃鶯出谷 #Kevin老師
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Brighter more beautiful eyes without eyeshadow!
サブチャンネル(さやぴんく(さぁや2nd)) https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCCCKcdrIq6GXF2-IRJh3kNg
에어프라이어로 촉촉한 수플레 치즈케이크를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡ ...
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