art journal with me ∣ city vib...
let's relax and draw city feels!
I m already back with 4 easy and tasty vegan meal ideas for breakfast my favorite recipe category Lazy Healthy Oat Bread Polenta Porridge a Chickpea Tofu Tortilla Bowl and a super simple Apple Cake Email minarome yt gmail comWebsite www mina rome com INGREDIENTS 1 Lemon Polenta Porridge½ cup polenta uncooked 80g ½ tsp lemon zest½ tsp vanilla a generous pinch of salt2 tsp raw sugar 1 ¼ cup non dairy milk 310ml A lil bit more for adjusting the consistency Toppings vegan yogurt fruitWarm berries 1 cup frozen berries or cherries 150g ¼ cup water 60ml sweetener of choice optional Serves 1 2 2 Overnight Oat Bread3 cups oats rolled 270g 1 ½ cups pumpkin seeds 180g ½ cup sunflower seeds 70g 2 tbsp sesame seeds⅓ cup flax seeds semi ground or ground 1 ½ tbsp chia seeds sub w flax 2 tsp salt2 cups water 500ml 25 30cm loaf pan 3 Breakfast Apple Cake Apple Bread 1 ¼ cups spelt flour 160g ½ cup whole wheat flour 75g 1 ½ tsp cinnamonA pinch of nutmeg2 tsp baking powder½ tsp salt⅓ cup 2 tbsp raw sugar 83g 1 tbsp 1 tbsp flax seeds 3 tbsp water2 ½ tbsp agave syrup⅓ cup melted vegan butter and coconut oil about 2 heaping solid tbsp of each 80ml ½ cup non dairy milk 125ml Juice of ½ lemon 2 3 apples peeled and cut into chunks4 tbsp rolled oats 20 cm loaf pan 4 Chickpea Tofu Tortilla Bowl1 cup chickpeas 165g ½ block firm tofu smoked or plain 100g 1 onion finely minced 4 heaping tbsp marinara sauce 1 tsp oil1 2 tortillastoppings shredded carrots avocado hummus spring onion sriracha etc Music by Much love Mina this video is sponsored by Squarespace
let's relax and draw city feels!
#стемпинг Всем Здравствуйте! Сегодня видео будет про лаки для стемпинга! Какой лак лучше, как выбрать лак для стемпинга, можно ли ...
Всем привет! В этом мастер-классе я покажу вам, как можно сделать вот такую нарядную, объёмную брошь в виде жучка.
This is my first Jeffree Star palette! I'd never tried them before! Time to swatch the Jeffree Star x Shane Dawson Conspiracy Coll...
前回、入れなくて拗ねまるになってしまった箱を、入れるように改良しました。I improved the last small box.
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