2017年09月08日 チャンネル開設 2018年07月13日までほぼ放置 2018年07月14日から動画投稿 2018年09月09日 チャンネル登録者数2000人 2018年09月27日 チャンネル登録者数3000人 2018年10月20日...
This week I show you how to create an easy work makeup that is understated polished and long lasting This is a makeup look that stays all day using a lovely foundation thats new to me from Shiseido It literally feels like air on your face whilst giving great lasting coverage As always I love to know what you think and look forward to chatting to you in the comments section below the film New films are published every Saturday to keep up to date please subscribe to my channel and click on the notification bell Below are links to all the makeup products I talk about and use in the film Disclaimer The aim of Speed Beauty is to introduce you to and provide you with techniques for make up skin hair care products I only show you products that I love and really believe in Each product I use is heavily researched before deciding to make a film and I try and provide you with as much accurate information as possible The views on Speed Beauty are my own and are based on having personally tried the products myself The products I use in these films are either bought by myself are part of my professional kit or they ve been sent to me by PR companies for review I am not currently paid for producing the films you watch Some of the films contain affiliate links in the description but not all If you are happy to click on these links to continue support Speed Beauty that would be very lovely thank you You should always research whether the products I recommend are suited to you Everyones skin is different and I offer no warranties and don t claim to be a dermatologist Some products are really expensive and an investment purchase so it s always wise to test product on your skin to check for allergies or adverse reactions before you buy Some make up skin care brands offer you samples to take away try This is always a good idea before deciding on an expensive purchase Stay Connected
2017年09月08日 チャンネル開設 2018年07月13日までほぼ放置 2018年07月14日から動画投稿 2018年09月09日 チャンネル登録者数2000人 2018年09月27日 チャンネル登録者数3000人 2018年10月20日...
Cats, dogs, babies, kids and even older people - They all fail sometimes, and when such funny moments get cought on camera, we can...
💜instagram@sr531 💚makeupbysaerom@naver.com
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今日は 以前にもアップしておりますが 真鰯の佃煮を作るところを撮りました! 小さな真鰯をよく洗って鍋に入れたら 刺身醤油、水飴、お酢、お湯を入れて炊きだします 生姜を下ろした絞り汁を入れたら 落とし蓋をして濃い緑茶も入れて この日は 二時間半炊き一晩冷まし 翌...
#額頭那是一道疤 #不是粉底沒有推勻 / 發問前請先詳閱資訊欄喔~感謝!! / / 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎訂閱~我們下支影片再見囉♡ 粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/tangful/ Follow my Instagram ...
Goodbye hair! My hair was in need of a cut and crying out for a treatment so I visited a salon in Singapore to revive my hair. Wa...
Best Makeup Transformations 2020 | New Makeup Tutorials Compilation
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