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Hi Everyone It s so hard to believe that Fall is nearly here but it is The light is changing fast and I m feeling that crisp in the air I haven t showed the front garden much this year I really don t want to be redundant or show you things you have seen but I did get quite a few requests to see the front garden a little closer so I hope you enjoy I ll be back with more and planting up those espalier apple trees in the garden hopefully this weekend s project Hope you all are safe happy getting out in the garden Thank you for watching and being such a big part of my garden journey Partner Affiliate Links Use code HOWSITGROWING15 for 15 savings on your order from Bower Branch How s It Growing If you enjoy my channel it helps so much to share and subscribe and I appreciate it very much Contact info howsitgrowingnj com How s It Growing C O Laura Boissonnault PO Box 370 Paulsboro NJ 08066 Disclosure I may make a small commission off of items purchased through affiliate links Thank you so much for helping to support my channel howsitgrowing endofsummer cottagegarden
發問前請先詳閱資訊欄喔~感謝!! / / 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎訂閱~我們下支影片再見囉♡ 粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/tangful/ Follow my Instagram @tang_ful for more mak...
ムツゴロウさん「よーしよしよしよし^ ^」 天「( ˙-˙ )」←無 もも「(*゚∀゚*)そわそわ」
Sooooo hello everyone! Parker is back! How cute is this! Every morning when we wake up Millie and Rupert always going to Parker’s ...
まずは日向夏サイダーを飲んで朝の始まりです。 梅雨の晴れ間に少し窓を開けているとジャンくんが日向ぼっこをしにきました。 ビタミンDができて良い事なのですが、今日は30度超えの真夏日になってエアコンを入れていても日差しが部屋の温度を上げてしまいます。 ポンちゃん...
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#PrettyBusyMoms #LangeHair We're back doing a full day wear test on some new & 5 star rated makeup! Also showing you how I get my ...
http://www.beadaholique.com/brands/impressart.html - In this video learn how to make an oval cuff bracelet that has been metal sta...
皆様こんばんは♡ 元美容部員の和田さん。です! 本日もお忙しい中ご来店ありがとうございます。
イケア製のシャークが負傷したので大蛇を購入してきました!なぜだろう。口の中に顔を入れて挟まれたがるビンゴです。 ◆チャンネル登録お願いします! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpRS2Kp3cYnbjVuTagu3JYQ ー...
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