Watch me paint with watercolors! Get 10% off your first purchase using offer code: MARYDOODLES - Squarespace.com/marydoodles Wate...
ALL LINKS BELOW This video contains a Paid Partnership with Everlane and will be displayed clearly on the screen with AD at the time of this paid partnership ______________________________________________________Remember guys this is my job at the end of the day which involves working with selected brands and being gifted with lots of lovely things so don t feel under pressure to keep up with the bubble of social media or with me it s not fair on yourself I will always link affordable alternatives for my designer items but I would also like to encourage you to be wise with what you buy for both yours and the environments sake we are all responsible for our actions and it s not about cutting out everything that we enjoy it s just a case of being more mindful and more aware secondhandbutgrandALL THE LINKSMost of the below links are AFFILIATE LINKS and by making a purchase via these links we will earn a small percentage of commission which means that we can keep creating content for you guys to watch Some of these links do use cookies If a link doesn t work that means the item is either sold out or not available in your country ITEMS MARKED WITH AD Gifted Gifted item from a brand or PR no payment involvedAD Paid Paid PartnershipNo disclosure before the item means that I have bought it myselfWHAT I WAS WEARING WEDNESDSAYTHURSDSAYAD Paid EVERLANE ITEMS SATURDAYINTERIOR ITEMS MY MAKE UP Nails OPI Gel in Nein Nein Nein Ok Fine EQUIPMENT Editing by Simon
Watch me paint with watercolors! Get 10% off your first purchase using offer code: MARYDOODLES - Squarespace.com/marydoodles Wate...
高におもしろハスキー犬の ハプニング、失敗を動画を一つにまとめてみました♪これで笑ってください!!涙が出るぐらい、面白くて、とっても、愛くるしんです。
(Drawing paper・copy paper・Origami)Christmas tree【DIY】(画用紙・コピー用紙・折り紙)クリスマス飾り ツリーの作り方 クラフトパンチ(星型)でパンチをしたので、とても可愛いです。クラフトパンチ(丸型)や(鈴型)...
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Пряжа ALIZE Cotton Gold Plus Multi Color https://www.mag-yarn.ru/shop/prjazha-alize/khlopok-gold-pljus-multikolor-100-g-200-m Про...
Watch more Pakistani Street Food videos: https://youtu.be/KQb7xuI61XY Thanks to Ali: https://www.instagram.com/alinhamdani/ Subscr...
Grey and White cat is much more lovely after eating food on the island
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