Japanese Street Food: Takosen
A widely known street food in Japan is Takoyaki, the sandwich version of this street food dish is called Takosen and is getting pr...
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A widely known street food in Japan is Takoyaki, the sandwich version of this street food dish is called Takosen and is getting pr...
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A somewhat random vlog of what I ate and did on a chill day! Had lunch at my favorite vegan restaurant (Native Foods), got their s...
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皆様は『DAI語』というのをご存じでしょうか? DAI語とはあのタレント(Roker?)のDAIGOさんが発する言葉やフレーズをアルファベットに略して表現した言葉です。 とはいえ、ただ単に略しただけでは決してなく、北川景子さんへのプロポーズの言葉「KSK(結婚...
多肉植物の写真やネットショップの入荷情報をpostしています。イベント出店の際のお知らせもこちら。 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/porto_taniku/
Every single step I use to get bouncy shiny hair that lasts for days, including styling tips, products and how I refresh my hair! ...
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