生活!鬆散水彩野花花束! 12:30 pm ET 50%我的新水彩課程:紋理工具箱:羽毛
Here are 3 healthy and budget friendly vegan meals that you can easily make at home Full recipes posted below PEANUT BUTTER OATMEAL 1 cup Oats of choice1 tbsp Ground Flax1 4 cup Powdered Peanut Butter or 1 2 tbsp regular Dash of Vanilla Extract2 5 cups liquid I said it wrong in the video but I used 1 5 cups water and 1 cup of oat milk Fresh of Frozen Berries of choice DIRECTIONS add the Oats Flax PB Vanilla and liquid to a pot and bring to a simmer Cook over medium heat stirring occasionally until the oats reach your desired thickness Serve with fresh fruit and any other toppings you desire BLACK RICE SUSHI 1 2 cup dry Black Rice or any rice you have1 2 tbsp Rice Vinegar ACV works in a bind 2 sheets of NoriVeggies of Choice I used Avocado Cucumber Yellow Bell Pepper and Carrot Optional Soy Sauce Tamari Liquid Aminos Pickled Ginger Sesame Seeds DIRECTIONS Cook your rice according to package instructions then stir in the Rice Vinegar and let cool if you are impatient like me put it in the freezer for a few minutes lol Prepare your sushi by spreading half of the cooked rice over 1 sheet of nori shiny side down and filling the bottom 1 4 of the sheet with veggies Roll up firmly a bamboo mat really helps for this and then slice as desired Serve with soy sauce etc if that sounds good to you CRISPY FRIES 3 5 Russet Potatoes organic preferredSaltSmoked Paprika DIRECTIONS Cut the Potatoes then place them in a large bowl Add a sprinkle of Salt and Smoked Paprika and stir well Bake on a silicone mat or parchment paper at 420F for 35 minutes CREAMY SALAD 1 2 Avocado1 4 cup Kimchi or Sauerkraut 1 2 tsp Dulse Flakes Large Handful of Fresh Greens DIRECTIONS Mash the Avocado Kimchi and Dulse together until they form a creamy paste Stir in your greens and mix until everything is well coated Enjoy THINGS I USED IN THIS VIDEO CONNECT WITH ME HELPFUL LINKS Vegan Meal Planner bit ly plantmealplannerCONTACT For Business Inquiries frommybowl gmail com ABOUT THIS VIDEO Cameras Software Final Cut Pro Music Jüngleborn Free Slice This video is not sponsored This video contains affiliate links for a full affiliate discretion notice please visit FromMyBowl com Thank you for supporting me
生活!鬆散水彩野花花束! 12:30 pm ET 50%我的新水彩課程:紋理工具箱:羽毛
✨Kevin的日本藥妝必買清單✨ (1)MINON.氨基酸彈力修護凝膠面膜 (2)MINON.溫和沐浴巾 Locobase.身體滋潤修護乳霜 Locobase.腳後跟滋潤修護膏 TRANSINO.傳明酸美白卸妝乳 TRANSINO.傳明酸美白洗面乳 ...
I made Lunch Bag today. I've shared a pattern so you can make this.
A long overdue video, these are my current favorite beauty products, all used in a full face makeup tutorial. I hope you enjoy
FB粉絲團 https://goo.gl/3buH6u
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一定要看到最後!有小寵物出沒XD 淘寶戰利品來了!(趕在雙十二之前 呼~) 資訊欄有商品連結、小小心得 記得打開參考唷❤️
HEY EVERYONE! It's 2017 and everyone is using the craziest items to blend out their foundation! I even tried using a condom to ble...
天「そこの不審者止まれ!」 もも「ももだよ」 天「ももだったのか」 もも「また騙されたね」 天「まったく気づかなかったぞ」 もも「暇を持て余した」 天「俺たちの」 もも「遊び」
みんなで海を満喫しました。We enjoyed the sea.
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