by Denitslava Makeup



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How to style a statement necklace? What are the different types of necklaces? This video is a tour of (a part of) my necklace coll...


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Click here to purchase the Vanity Planet cleansing brush, Get 70% off here: http://my.vanityplanet.com/jlderm use code: JLDERM at ...

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Unique among 18 other 1960's walk-up apartments, Nicholas Gurney extensively reworked The Warren as a seamless space, drawing the ...

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These things that fit together, look super cool and are conveniently symmetrical will restore your faith in the order of all thing...

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Хрустальные ногти и длинный стилет. В этом видео будем делать один из вариантов хрустальных ногтей по акриловой технологии по фор...