楽しんでもらえたら「いいね」&チャンネル登録をお忘れなく! 今回は今まで動画にしてこなかった私のコスメ収納をご紹介します。引っ越ししてから全然整理できてなかったので、新しい収納ボックスにコスメを大移動→ついでに断捨離も! コスメ収納完成までの道のりが長そうだ・...
Today we The Food Ranger Trevor James and Ali are bringing you in to Karachi Pakistan for a FULL ON street food BURGERS tour Karachi is world famous for street food and today Ali s bringing us for an INSANE 5 Pakistani street food BURGERS adventure Karachi is one of the oldest and most bustling street food cities in Pakistan giving you one of the RICHEST AND MOUTHWATERING street food scenes in the WORLD You need to travel to Pakistan to eat the street food We re going DEEP for TONS of FAMOUS Pakistan Street Food and BURGERS including the famous CHAPLI KABABS and ANGRY BURGER You will fall in love with the street food in Karachi as soon as you arrive Today we re starting out with an UNSEEN FASTEST worker Burger in the world You can watch the superhuman burger speed as the chefs make the burger After this we re going Foodrangin to find the ANGRY BURGER and more And we re finishing up with one of the BEST Chapli Kabab BURGERS in Karachi One of the BEST Burgers to try is of course the Anday wala burger which we re bringing you to eat I hope you re enjoying this big Pakistani street food video series Thanks so much for watching I would love to hear from you down below There is much more street food in our Pakistani food videos series get ready for the playlist of a lifetime The Food Ranger YouTube The Food Ranger Instagram The Food Ranger FB Thanks so much for watching my Pakistan Street Food videos
楽しんでもらえたら「いいね」&チャンネル登録をお忘れなく! 今回は今まで動画にしてこなかった私のコスメ収納をご紹介します。引っ越ししてから全然整理できてなかったので、新しい収納ボックスにコスメを大移動→ついでに断捨離も! コスメ収納完成までの道のりが長そうだ・...
↓謝謝大家一定要訂閱! https://goo.gl/6BYhcn
気持ちいい !海外のアイメイクアートまとめ#30
オーブンいらずでレンジがあれば簡単に作れます!(^^)! モンブラン用の口金は少々高いので、なければ生クリーム用の口金で代用しても大丈夫ですよ♪ 因みに、スティックチョコレートはダイソーの型を使用し作ったものです^^
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Hope you all enjoy!! Sooo many links here:
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Today I'm doing a FULL FACE with MAKEUP SAMPLES. xo's ~ Tati 😇 HALO Before & After PHOTOS HERE » » » https://halobeauty.com/pages...
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