时间飞逝,眼看着再过几个小时,2020年就要接替2019啦 特别2020年是鼠年,咱们家芝麻的本命年 为了庆祝它到我们家的第一个新年,我们给四个孩子都完成了他们的新年愿望 又看到了百事可乐为了2020鼠年特意打造的新年微电影,超级好玩 所以咱们芝麻的新...
Today we re going to see with cute otter girl Please enjoy with a fun guessing Aty s reaction I m really happy that so many people are watching my videos everyday Some of them may be watching my video and wanting to keep an otter However stop and think before keeping an otter Can you really live with an otter Are you studying the Washington Convention national law or otter situation It is legal to keep otters in Japan but there are various rules to protect them from the danger of extinction Watch my video Washington Convention Otter life Day 99 Washington Convention Otter life Day 99 I heard that some people started living with otters but they didn t go well and finally let them go If you want to keep an animal not just otters you must make the animal happy and responsible until the end NORZAN MISHIMA Norzan Mishima has a lot of rare animals brought up with the love of the owner Until Aty came to my house he was raised by them with a lot of love Thanks to their affection Aty is so friendly with people Youtube Youtube Otter s daily life Instagram Homepage This video has a permission from Norzan Mishima Aty Shop has just opened You can buy Aty Shirt pillows mugs or etc at hereTwitter Instagram Facebook otter Aty ノーザンみしま
时间飞逝,眼看着再过几个小时,2020年就要接替2019啦 特别2020年是鼠年,咱们家芝麻的本命年 为了庆祝它到我们家的第一个新年,我们给四个孩子都完成了他们的新年愿望 又看到了百事可乐为了2020鼠年特意打造的新年微电影,超级好玩 所以咱们芝麻的新...
Easy Bird of Paradise Watercolor Tutorial & MozArt Komorebi Watercolor Paint Review // Beginner friendly tutorial!
Open me! It's Christmas Season and I though we would add some seasonal touches to my room to celebrate! Happy Vlogmas!
我終於出外景啦~~ 這次來到了一間位於石牌站的文具店 " 日日文創鋪 " 去完文具店還能去淡水玩,這個行程實在是太棒了 日日文創鋪引進了很多日本的文具、台灣創作者的商品 還有一般文具店沒看過的扭蛋、一番賞! 大家可以帶老公男友一起來也不怕另一半會無聊了~ 很喜...
Welcome back to Gilda Workshop! As I promised I made a new video for you! We will make a beautiful hair comb with flowers, drops, ...
✨Лучший набор НЕБЛЕДНАЯ кистей купить тут: https://goldapple.ru/19760315479-neblednaya
希望你們會喜歡今天的影片 謝謝你們的觀看 我們下個影片見! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 訂閱我看更多影片 ►:htt...
В этом видео мы с вами приготовим одноярусный торт с обмазкой из ультрафиолетового крема, декорированием свежими ягодами и украси...
Fashion Historian Amber Butchart and Makeup Artist Rebecca Butterworth are back, this time creating a 1930s-inspired look at Eltha...
Here we have a new declutter! Most of this is going in the bin lol RIP. Lots of lipsticks! This one was soooo fun to declutter bc ...
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