Find out how to grow the rare Orostachys iwarenge Chinese Dunce Cap!

by Succulents and Sunshine

Find out how to grow the rare Orostachys iwarenge Chinese Dunce Cap!


Orostachys iwarengeChinese Dunce CapThis small lavender succulent has cone shaped rosettes It is monocarpic but produces offsets on long stems that shoot out from the main rosette allowing for easy propagation When grown outside you ll notice that it will go dormant and appear dead in the winter months but it will grow back in the spring Orostachys iwarenge Chinese Dunce Cap adds excellent ground cover to succulent gardens If grown in container gardens its offsets trail down Chinese Dunce Cap grows in mats but then as it matures the rosettes grow taller into a fuller cone shape Buy this succulent through our affiliate links here Other items from the video You can get a printable card with information about this succulent and over 100 others in our Types of Succulents ID Cards set digital download here Thanks so much for watching this video If you re ready to keep learning more about succulents be sure to sign up for any of our free resources below FREE COURSE Succulents for BeginnersFREE CHEAT SHEET Signs Your Succulents Need WaterFREE CHEAT SHEET Top 10 Indoor Succulents and Indoor Care TipsFREE CHEAT SHEET Leaf Propagation Problems and How to Fix Them And if you d like a more complete guide to growing succulents with step by step instructions to get you started you ll love our premium course Successfully Growing Succulents No more searching endless blogs books and videos just to keep your succulents alive This course will teach you everything you need to know to keep your succulents thriving no matter where you live Learn more here Wondering what my favorite products are or looking for a product you saw in this video MY FAVORITE ONLINE SUCCULENT STORES MY FAVORITE SUCCULENT SOIL MY FAVORITE TOOLS AND MISC SUPPLIES Looking for something else Send me a message here Want to join us on your favorite social media platform Awesome Here s where you can find Succulents and Sunshine



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