Finding My PERFECT Foundation Match... Finally

by James Charles

Finding My PERFECT Foundation Match... Finally


HI SISTERS I ve been doing makeup for 3 years now but the one skill I have not mastered is matching my foundation I ve looked white with Flashback Mary but I ve also looked orange For today s video I decided to test out every single foundation on the market and see if I could find the perfect shade Enjoy __ LET S BE BFFSSNAPCHAT jamescharless__ COUPON CODES Use code JAMES for 10 off all products online AND in store UBER Use code SISTERJAMES for 5 off your first 3 rides Use code JAMES for 15 off all lashesUse code JAMES for 10 off all itemsUse code JAMES for 25 off all products __ MY AMAZING TEAMEDITOR Louis Anthony GargiulaCONTENT COORDINATOR Eros GomezGRAPHICS Michael Rusakov



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