민트 초콜릿칩 쿠키 만들기 : Mint Chocolat...
톡쏘는 향이 매력적인 민트 초콜릿을 넣은 초콜릿칩 쿠키를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down...
Fluffy and moist Strawberry Yoghurt Cake using fresh strawberries Easy recipe Healthier option with No butter oil or cream used Ingredients 23cm x 13cm pound cake tin used 3 eggs separate into egg white and yolk 40g sugar 30g added to egg yolk 10g added to egg white 80mL milk low fat milk used in this video 300g Greek yoghurt 80g self raising flour or 80g plain flour 1 2 teaspoon baking powder StrawberryRecipe 1 Separate egg yolk and white 2 Whisk egg while until firm meringue forms Add sugar half way through 3 Mix egg yolk sugar milk and Greek yoghurt well 4 Sift self raising flour and combine 5 Combine batter meringue and strawberry gently Make sure not to over mix 6 Pour batter into cake tin Decorate with strawberry 7 Bake at 170 C for 30 35minutes 8 Let it cool and rest cake in fridge for couple hours 9 Ready to enjoy 材料 23cm x 13cm パウンドケーキ型 卵 3個分 卵黄と卵白に分ける 砂糖 40g 卵黄に30g 卵白に10gずつ足す 牛乳 80mL このレシピでは 低脂肪牛乳を使いました ギリシャヨーグルト 300g 薄力粉 80g ベーキングパウダー 小さじ1 2 いちごレシピ 1 卵黄と卵白を分ける 2 卵白をしっかりとたメレンゲになるまで泡立てる 途中 砂糖を加える 3 卵黄 砂糖 牛乳 ギリシャヨーグルトを混ぜ合わせる 4 薄力粉とベーキングパウダーをふるい入れ 混ぜる 5 生地 メレンゲ いちごをさっくりと混ぜ合わせる 6 生地を型に流し入れ いちごを飾る 7 170 C に予熱したオーブンで 30 35分 焼く 8 粗熱をとり 冷蔵庫で2 3時間冷やしたら出来上がり 冷蔵庫で一晩寝かせてもよりしっとりして美味しいです Find me also on Instagram sora_monnom
톡쏘는 향이 매력적인 민트 초콜릿을 넣은 초콜릿칩 쿠키를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down...
Rava Dosa is my all-time favourite South Indian breakfast :D
Meat Pancake 5,000 KRW (USD 4.4)
柴犬🐶もも(6歳♀) 黒猫😸天(4歳♂) キジトラ😸空(?歳♂)
BECOME A STUDENT OF OUR FRENCH ONLINE CULINARY SCHOOL TODAY! https://bit.ly/2KKgv1A #soup #soupeauxchoux #cabbagesoup The is a cla...
I Make Things - Episode 10 - Rose Pearlman
Today I'm testing a little known brand called Note and testing their collection of Oil Powders. xo's ~ Tati 😇 TRY HALO BEAUTY her...
These animals have just met and they love it! For more details on the stories see the description below.
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