Pet-portrait commission! Drawi...
Big thanks again to Mark @markrosenbohm for commissioning me, and for kindly providing these photos of Claude!😊 Come join the Patr...
With my today s acrylic casting it is quite noble here dominate jet black with noble gold colors A little bit of white provides more contrast and creates great color gradients As you can see you do not need 20 colors to paint a beautiful picture the technique is more important I opted for the Open Cup technique as it is very easy to get great color gradients in a picture The Open Cup is a cup where I cut off the bottom When the acrylic paint is poured in it runs under the edge of the cup and mixes with it which leads to the color gradients Have fun with the video if you liked it I look forward to a nice comment or a thumbs up Creative greetingsTiktus
Big thanks again to Mark @markrosenbohm for commissioning me, and for kindly providing these photos of Claude!😊 Come join the Patr...
Dog Siblings With No Eyes Love To Go On Adventures Together | This smiley little dog doesn’t have any eyes, but she LOVES to explo...
Hey everyone. So We decided much to Shane's dismay, to change our rooms around before Mia has even stayed in it! She's been upgrad...
◆この雑貨について◆ [コレクションNo.0508] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は柴犬グッズの紹介です。私は動物が大好きです。特に柴犬が1番好きです。なので今年最後の動画は、コレクションルームから柴犬グッズを探して、柴犬グッズ動画を...
春に向かって花レジンを作りたいなと思ってたら、セリアでフラワーパーツキットを見つけました!作ってみたので観て頂けたら嬉しいです^ ^ 関連動画 http...
夏に備え、不要になった冬毛をファーミネーターで脱ぎ捨てた大型猫のボス吉です。 換毛期なのでひとかきで気持ち良いほどごっそり取れます。
乳離れできない、というか、乳離れする気がない豆大福とオデコの勘違いがかわいいです^^ 秀吉さすが!って思ってもらえる動画だと思います♬
ПОТРЯСАЮЩИЕ НОВИНКИ ПРЯЖИ: БУРЕТНЫЙ ШЕЛК, 😱 СУФЛЕ, ❄️МОХЕР, ❄️АЛЬПАКА, ❄️МЕРИНОС❄️ のせ猫オフィシャルブログ かご猫Blog http://kagonekoshir...
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