Following A Bob Ross Painting Tutorial

by JennaMarbles

Following A Bob Ross Painting Tutorial


Please subscribe to my channel and my vlog channel I make new videos here every Wednesday and make vlogs during my majestical daily life Also our weekly podcast TwitchAnd past gaming from Twitch to Jenna Julien GamesSnapchat JennaKermarblesFacebook Twitter Jenna_Marbles jennajulienMerchandise Tumblr Instagram



Luxury Makeup Fails 2019

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UPDATE: Pat McGrath does receive returns via USPS, but they don't recommend them because they're the least reliable.

The Feline Flick - Cat Eye Mak...

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The Feline Flick - Cat Eye Make-up Tutorial | Charlotte Tilbury | @CTilburyMakeup SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL Th...


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DIY : Christmas biscuits by Sø...

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Each year in December, Anna and Clara bake Christmas biscuits and other treats for the season’s family visits and meals. This year...