【TWICE × BLACKPINK】双子がメイクでこんなに...
クールな BLACKPINKメイクとキュートな TWICEメイクを 双子のひうら姉妹にやってみた!
Hey friends Today I m showing you how I create detailed ink and wash pieces in particular this flower You ll see how I sketch it out first add the ink and then splash it with some colour Ink and Wash also called Line and Wash is a different kind of technique that I absolutely love the look of It has more of an illustrative look than plain watercolour so give it a try If you keep watching until the end I am sharing a special something with you for 48 hours only ENJOY LINKS MENTIONED orPRODUCTS USED Visit Me LOVE YOU
クールな BLACKPINKメイクとキュートな TWICEメイクを 双子のひうら姉妹にやってみた!
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I made a cute dumpling pouch. This is as simple as making a piece of fabric. I shared a pattern that I could draw with A4 paper. L...
In this video DIY tutorial I show you an easy way to make a jeans bag by own hands from scratch.
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セイウチの「ツララ」が5月31日に11歳の誕生日を迎えました!!誕生日を記念して、ケーキのプレゼントを行いました。その時の様子を是非ご覧ください。 トレーナーによる生態の解説もあります!
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