FOREST GREEN SMOKEY EYE / Fenty Beauty Review | Lauren Curtis

by Lauren Curtis

FOREST GREEN SMOKEY EYE / Fenty Beauty Review | Lauren Curtis


Hey guys I wanted to create a full glam look incorporating a forest green smokey eye and this is what I came up with I also tried out some new Fenty Beauty products at the same time I hope you enjoy xxx L I N K SSNAPCHAT LozCurtisPublic P R O D U C T S U S E D will fill this out asap D I S C O U N T C O D E SThese are affiliate links 10 OFF Morphe Brushes Palettes CODE LOZCURTIS40 OFF Make Up Store CODE LAUREN4010 OFF Sigma Brushes CODE LAUREN B U S I N E S S E N Q U I R I E S USA Canada Scott Fisher at management smg la Lauren Curtis in the subject line All international enquiries other than USA Canada Jill Birmingham at jill maxconnectors com au E Q U I P M E N TCamera I use Canon 70D with 50mm lens for beauty videos Canon G7X Mark II for vlogsEditing program Final Cut Pro X



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