my art journal flipthrough
☆ here's a peek at all the pages in my art journal ☆
I wanted to make pancakes like Starbucks Frappuccino That s all there is Because the kiwi is green I thought it might look like a Starbucks mermaid But that is not the case パンケーキをスタバのフラペチーノみたいにしたかったというただそれだけの動画です 緑ならスタバの人魚に見えるかもと思ったのですがそんなことはありませんでした Starbucks Frappuccino Pancake ASMR OddlySatisfying satisfying relaxing soothing 音フェチ
☆ here's a peek at all the pages in my art journal ☆
姆姆小枕頭與姆姆 一起渡過慵懶的下午 (๑´ڡ`๑)
super chat たまチャンネル様 金太様 Haru Arashian/Once様 たかおかかずみ様 雫様 mini mini様 ありがとうございましたm(__)m
Hello. How have you been there. Today I would like to show all of you with yummy rice pin noodle stir fry beef recipe. Rice pin no...
안녕하세요 여러분?💛 오늘은 마블 네일아트를 해봤어요! 몇몇 분들께서 요청도 해주셨고 제가 얼마전에 대리석 폰케이스를 샀거든요 ㅋㅋㅋ 너무 예뻐서 손톱에도 하고싶어서 해봤는데용~ 손톱이 넘 약해져서 손톱에 직접 못했다는게 함정이에요...
Lots of chatter about sewing and knitting! Shownotes can be found at
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