Free Flight Parrot Fun

by Adventures of Roku

Free Flight Parrot Fun


TBT FBF to when a few of us got together to have a play date some of the birds were in a photoshoot toward the end of the afternoon will share the pics once they are available Roku Korra and Pabu all came out today as there was so many people it was easy to keep them distracted however Pabu still continually kept landing on my head face phone ear neck back pretty much everywhere but my bloody hand There was like next to no fights today Woooo usually there s natural squabbling and Korra was giving Khyber the eye again hahaWoot wooooo however he s still too shy to get close to her Clumsy doofus Pascal the little hahns Macaw I hand reared you can see in prior uploads came with his brother mowgli special needs black cockatoo bumi s half brother with birth skeletal defects and jaja the galah in cage due to wing injury Everyone had fun playing in the trees and really taking advantage of flying in a flock due to some native birds swooping and chasing no danger natural behaviours for new unknown birds Bumi unlocked some new flight moves I ve not seen before either Also Kevin tried to car surf again with khyber but the gentleman didn t want to drive boooooo so they got bored and bunny hopped to their mums car Lawnton the pigeon who was rescued he is unable to fly due to permanent injury but is happy with company and loves Foraging on the ground like they do naturally in the wild I get them in and around my Aviary Pabu feeds them by throwing them him his healthy food I think that s everything for the day oh the Lorys were just playing as well for anyone who has lorikeets lorys then you know this behaviour is normal and natural so no hate because that s ignorant haha feel free to ask any questions Have a great week everyone Will upload these as fast I can Thank you outer suburbs of australia for your dial up speed net All birds listed in VideoRoku Blue and gold macawKorra Greenwing macawPabu Major Mitchells CockatooBumi Yellow tailed black cockatooMowgli Yellow tailed black cockatooKai Black LoryEmery Black Capped LoryKhyber Blue and gold macawMiko Green cheek conureKevin GalahJaja Galah in cage Pascal Hahns MacawAslan Alexandrine male Aztec Sun ConureLawnton Crested Pigeon For all Free Flight Training info please visit www adventuresofroku com Do NOT try at home If you want to check out merch or just show support the links are below For those wanting to donate instead feel free to use PayPal Me AdventuresofRoku



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