赤貝のさばき方~握りと刺身の作り方 how to fille...
寿司屋の仕込みの一部始終を動画で紹介しています よろしければチャンネル登録お願いします
Spoiler Alert Hi Everbody Kirsty Meakin here and in today s video we are going to be doing something you have all been asking for Game Of Thrones Nails on the fantastic Venessa who has come all the way from Chicago to have her nails done I have already prepped Venessa s Nail s so in this Video we will start by putting on the forms we are going to be doing almond shaped nails using natural beige and medium speed liquid Once our nails are sculpted we will do out normal filing routine Next up we will lay down the background colour using the Urban Graffiti gel polishes Concrete Kiss and Winter Sea with the base down we will buff the nail to give consistency between the different colours of polish then we wipe off any dust using the Gel Residue Wipeoff Solution and then paint the border of our design After that we will topcoat Now we are going to do the Wolf Sigil from the starks of winter errm what now using pure black acrylic powder and then add detail using an ombre brush then jazzing up the adjacent nails with some metallic gel polish and then attaching our bling to complete the design Thank you all for watching if you liked this video give it a like if you want to see more hit that subscribes button and please feel free to leave a comment Lots of love KM xox OTHER VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE The Nightmare Before Christmas HALLOWEEN 3D NAIL ARTAlice in Wonderland Hand Painted 3D Acrylic Mixed Media Art OUR MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Products Used in This Video Products Commonly Used Websites Social Media nailart acrylicnails nailtutorial
寿司屋の仕込みの一部始終を動画で紹介しています よろしければチャンネル登録お願いします
【親子で作ろう♪】ほうれん草の編み込みリースパン #ホームベーカリー Supported by Panasonic
Top 10 New Nail Art 2018💝✔Топ идей новинки дизайна ногтей✔ | Design in Beauty
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hi hoomans! im rufus p goodboy and dis my yootoob channel! i has lottsa videos of doggos, good bois, cats, sleepys bois, fat bois,...
HI ALL! Today I felt like slapping on makeup ahead of some dinner plans, so I decided to use everything that's been on my desk lat...
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