GRWM: Red Carpet VS Instagram Makeup Tutorial with Sofia Tilbury | Charlotte Tilbury

by Charlotte Tilbury

GRWM: Red Carpet VS Instagram Makeup Tutorial with Sofia Tilbury | Charlotte Tilbury


Darlings it s award season and your Instagram feed must be full of so many beautiful looks from the red carpet My niece Sofia Tilbury shows you the difference between an HD flawless beauty Look inspired by Instagram and a classic Hollywood red carpet look as seen on celebrity starlets Let Sofia know what you think in the comments below xx0 18 Prep your skinProducts used 00 48 Apply the base01 51 The BrowsThe Instagram LookThe Red Carpet Look03 39 The EyesThe Red Carpet LookThe Instagram Look06 21 LashesHuda Beauty Individual lashes for the Red carpet LookHuda Beauty Classic lash Giselle Full lashes for the Instagram Look06 28 The Contour07 12 Powder07 30 The LipsRed Carpet LipInstagram Lip08 04 CheeksKeep up to date with Charlotte Tilbury



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