Hair History: 1960s

by Loepsie

Hair History: 1960s


In this episode we re going to talk about the 60 s Once again fashion was more important than beauty when it came to hairstyling The beehive is hot and hair is rising towards the sky



Craftea Chat Podcast Ep. 20: S...

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In today's podcast, I get super excited about the Wolke sock kits that are being released tomorrow at!

Presented by Vitantonio 抹茶鯛魚燒巧...

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與特力集團總代理的Vitantonio合作了美味影片! 鬆餅機只能做鬆餅? No way! 換很多種類烤盤, 可以做很多不同系列的點心喔! 這次用鯛魚燒烤盤做 和風的外殼&西式的餡。 無敵的組合超好吃的~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و MASAのYoutube頻道:🍅

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降りられないけど、登りたいまる。はなは、一応ゆっくりと降りることはできるけれど、てっぺんまで登った時は危ないので抱っこで降ろします。 Though Maru cannot get off by himself, he wants to climb. Hana ...