#ほろよいチャレンジ #ほろよいネイル #グラデーションネイルのやり方 #2色グラデーション #100均ネイル 今日は、パッケージが可愛くて大好きなサントリーさんのほろよいに見立てた簡単ネイルデザインを紹介しました♡皆さんはどのほろよいネイルが好きですか?☺️...
This is Halloween this is Halloween Well it s not yet is it Let s just pretend that it is because I Kirsty the pumpkin queen will be creating the most nightmarish design today So I am going to be creating a Jack Skellington nail OMG Yes this is real No you are not dreaming I have decided that for this Halloween My 40th Halloween may I add that I will be making a nail of one of my favourite animated characters and that character is the all elusive Jack Skellington OMG What a treat This design is going to be very true to the animated film and I will be using sculpture gel to craft parts of jacks body so that it looks very true to Tim Burton s original animated epic OMG How cool is that So strap yourself in because this Halloween we re going on a ride through Halloween town So there you are guys If you enjoyed this video please give it a like subscribe to our channel for more amazing videos and share it around and I Kirsty Meakin will see you in the next video Love ya xxxxxKirsty OTHER VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE OUR MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Products Used in This Video Products Commonly Used Websites
#ほろよいチャレンジ #ほろよいネイル #グラデーションネイルのやり方 #2色グラデーション #100均ネイル 今日は、パッケージが可愛くて大好きなサントリーさんのほろよいに見立てた簡単ネイルデザインを紹介しました♡皆さんはどのほろよいネイルが好きですか?☺️...
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