普段はルンバが近づいて来ると一目散に逃げるひのきが寝ている子ねこを守るように頑張っている様子に癒されます^^ 寝ている子猫たちもかわいいですが、ひのきも負けないぐらい可愛いです♬
Hand Embroidery Designs Ring mirror work Stitch and Flower 153Children s clothing decorated with hand embroidery is equally suitable as party wear and casuals The range of embroidery stitches and patterns available and the immense scope of this craft of decoration have kept alive over the years the attraction and interest in hand embroidery clothes In the Victorian Britain learning hand embroidery used to be considered a sign of sophistication Although machine embroidery has been introduced as part of the industrial revolution the status of hand embroidery has not diminished That is of course why when it comes to dressing their little princes and princesses parents prefer hand embroidery baby clothes Hand embroidery is a skill that requires patience and practice to perfect An expert can work magic with his or her skills by adding varied textures and dimensions into the patterns The variety of stitches ranges from simple ones such as backstitch and satin stitch to the more complicated stitches such as braided band stitch Velvet tufting can create a little fluff of embroidery and adding some beads into the drizzle stitch will make these twisted patterns more attractive Dresses tops vests linen and panties hand embroidery has been tried on almost all sorts of kids wear with great success Floral patterns and pictures of animals are very common in hand embroidery baby clothes Bunnies puppies and teddy bear are some of the most popular animals featuring in baby clothes Skilled embroidery can create life like flowers the most popular among them being carnations and roses Hand smocking is often used to shape clothes into specific styles and also to add texture and dimension Hand smocked bishop dress is a very popular style of dress for young girls They may be scattered with bullion roses When it comes to hand embroidery often less is more An addition of a few bullion roses can dramatically change the appearance of a plain frock making it an elegant but comfortable wear Apart from using threads hand embroidery for children often uses ribbons This is particularly common is clothes meant for special occasions such as weddings Ribbons are exceptionally good for creating three dimensional designs They can be used to create floral designs and can also be used to add highlight to an otherwise plain piece of cloth In the second manner ribbons are often found in flannels and sheets for babies Satin ribbons being soft on the skin this means of decorating clothing is a comfortable choice for children Embroidery patches are available in the market which gives a certain amount of freedom to the customers to decorate their own clothes Eyelet lace is another gift embroidery has given to the world of kids wear designing When used on fabrics of contrasting colours the effect of using eyelet lace can be rather stunning Eyelet fabric is available in a number of colours and they are often used for dresses skirts and bridal veils Embroidery designs including eyelet lace and fabric are considered an appropriate choice on clothes used for christening services Ribbons can be included as an added decoration on these clothes the inside of the clothes Many businesses choose to add a protective covering to the back of the embroidery which gives greaEmbroidery can be a great choice to add variety to the beauty of kids clothing Options such as adding interfacing or fusible net to the inside of the embroidered clothes to cover the back of the designs makes it appropriate for children of all ages and skin types
普段はルンバが近づいて来ると一目散に逃げるひのきが寝ている子ねこを守るように頑張っている様子に癒されます^^ 寝ている子猫たちもかわいいですが、ひのきも負けないぐらい可愛いです♬
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