4 EASY Ways to use a French Pi...
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Hello everyone Today you will learn how to embroider Double Color Flowers with Ring Stitch Remember that it can be embroidered on any fabric Linen etamine dacron etc You can embroider it on cushions collars table runners napkins singles folders or for any other garment You can do it yourself It s much easier to do than it seems Recommended videos Flores Bordadas a mano Flower Embroidery ideas Details about materials required Fabric used Silk Do not forget to subscribe to my channel where you will find different very well explained embroidery tutorials from which you will certainly learn I upload videos on YouTube weekly If you want to know more about my videos I invite you to visit my blog there you will find the designs of each embroidery I also invite you to join the facebook group where we are doing embroidery projects I would like you to participate If you liked this video SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL So you can continue watching my next videos Remember that you can follow me on social networks Hand embroidery tutorial by Artesd OlgaDecember 6 2018
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Hey Friends I have NEW Dollar Tree Haul for you! A Huge Valentines Day Decor Haul & Unboxing my Vday Decor. I hope you guys like s...
오늘은 잠자기 전에 고양이들을 한 마리씩 찾아가 보았어요. 고양이들 마다 각자 자기 자리에서 잘 준비를 하고 있었어요. 구독자 여러분들도 따뜻하고 행복한 밤 되세요 :)
Today’s tutorial will focus on how to create this beginner everyday smokey eyes with minimum products. Its quick & easy and I’ll t...
В этом видео мы сделаем тот самый круглый блик гель лаком Кошачий глаз) Я так думаю, что это будет новый тренд этой осени) Для по...
오늘의 메뉴는 커스타드크림이 듬뿍 들어간 애플파이입니다. 이 메뉴가 SNS에서 자주 보이길래 궁금해서 만들어 봤습니다. 매장에서 파는 것과 100%같지는 않겠지만, 최대한 비슷하게 만들어보려고 했어요. 여름이라 페이스트리 만드는게 힘...
As promised! I designed a special scrubby style wash cloth for you using some of the yarns I received recently. I hope you enjoy a...
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