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Hand embroidery Shadow work design Embroidery design shade stitch tutorialIf you are in the embroidery business this can be a tough decision Do you outsource your work for hand embroidery or do you hire a machine embroidery company to do the job Let us just look at the pros and cons of both options Pros of Hand Embroidery 1 Hand embroidery can create a unique look and beautiful pieces that are truly individual 2 Each individual adds his her personal touches to the piece creating a signature piece Cons of Hand Embroidery1 Hand embroidery takes time and money On an average its takes more than two hours to create a two inch square piece of embroidery The more intricate the piece the most time it will take As time is money increase in processing time pushes up the costs both tangibly and intangibly for your business 2 Personal error and contamination is also possible in hand embroidery For example an embroidery technician may fail to follow the set pattern and create mistakes in the end piece As the person is embroidering the piece may also become dirty and this will delay delivery and raise the cost of the piece Pros of Machine Embroidery1 Machine embroidery is possible through a programmable embroidery digitizer All you have to do is give your design to a digitizing company They will upload the pattern in a format that can be read by an embroidery machine The company also ensures that every design is true to the original 2 Machine embroidery is quick and efficient Most embroidery companies already have stock pieces like T shirts caps socks etc ready for embroidery All you have to do is purchase the right amount of stock material and the company will create the required merchandise for you in a cost effective and timely manner 3 Turn around time is faster As embroidery digitizing is done through a computer the process takes less than ten minutes to complete As a customer you have to approve the design and the embroidery process can start immediately 4 Human errors like design mistakes ripped materials dirt etc are all minimized or completely absent 5 As machine embroidery is fast the merchandise is ready in less than two days depending on the embroidery pattern selected Cons of Machine Embroidery As such there are no cons for machine embroidery Most digital embroidery companies have staff and back up machines that will deal with any kind of emergency or rush order Follow us
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ついにGUで念願のスヌードを購入しました!! 他にも色々冬の暖か小物をゲットしたので紹介します♪ マフラー・手袋・帽子はGU 豚の手袋はブランド名わ かる方いたらコメントください^^ 桐灰化学 足の冷えない不思議なスリッパ
遊び方も見失い方も似ている猫(わらび、くろみつ)です。 【blog】 Subscribe to MAKO0MAKO0 Channel!: ➡︎https...
4 months ago he couldn't even swim across the river. Now he is free to cross the river, swim in the fierce currents, and eat his f...
🎥Ultimate Bangkok Late-Night Street Food: 😃Follow P’Tan ( and P’Tape ...
◆ 채널구독/이제이레시피/ Subscribe ◇ tv레시피 (영화,백종원레시피) 보러가기
**25% off ALL EBOOKS**: Click here to SUBSCRIBE: This week I'm making 3 quick and eas...
Hey, lovelies! This video is an experimental one! I love making abstract effects with acrylics and I find them quite therapeutic! ...
고양이들을 위해 오늘은 엄청난 간식을 준비했어요. 저도 타조알은 처음이었어요. 계란이랑 비슷할 것 같았는데 왠지 다른 느낌이었어요!
Hey Everyone, Bullet Journal June Monthly Setup ~ Plan with me June 2020. Yellow/Green Lemon/ Lemonade theme. Thanks for stoppin...
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